Sunday, December 16, 2007

Thanksgiving Day

This year Thanksgiving had some sadness ~ Stan's great aunt died and his Mom had just had surgery...but the time together with family was great! Here are a few pictures from Thanksgiving Day...

Preparation of the food...actually Nannie did the majority of this!
Paula, Stacey, and I made the traditional Dumplings. We missed you Beth!!!
The amazing spread of food...
My "special" mashed potatoes...the boys loved them! YEAH!!!


Tara said...

Yummy! The food looks great! Thanks for posting pics!
I just want to say again HOW MUCH I APPRECIATED YOU THIS WEEKEND!! I had so much fun catching up and spending some time with just you! I could not have gotten through Connor's 1st birthday party without your help!!!! THANK YOU!!! Connor loves his Aunt Darby and I know one day he will come to appreciate your help and you taking the time to come and celebrate with him! We love you!! We will come and visit you next, I promise!