Friday, January 11, 2008

Thank you all for your prayers!

Thank you all for your comments and encouraging words, but thank you mostly for your prayers! Today went absolutely amazing! The entire staff was so welcoming and seemed genuinely excited for me to be there. They were all also amazing in helping me get my room together. This is a created position because all of the other kindergarten classes are busting at the seams. All of the kindergarten teachers provided me with their extra materials, etc. that they thought would be helpful. Stan and I are going tomorrow to work in the class to get it all finished up. I promise I will post pictures as soon as I get the room completed. The students will actually be coming to my room on Tuesday or Wednesday.

I soon!


Wadsworth Family- said...

I am so excited for you! if you ever need any words of encouragement, I am here to listen. This has been a very stressfull week for me. It ended on the playground with one of my students pointing down and saying whoops, poo-poo in pants!

Summershea said...


Congrats I am so excited for you! Teaching is very rewarding. At the same time it can be very exhausting if you put your mind, heart and soul into everyday. I know that you will so be careful and pace yourself. Your students are blessed to be part of your class and your first year should be your most memorable. I treasured my first group of students because they where so compassionate. So make it an unforgettable year for you both. Good luck...

carriehayes said...

can't wait to see pictures!!! i am so glad it went well today!

Owings Family said...

Congratulations Darby! I know that you will be a wonderful teacher!