Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Lace, I'm Sooo Proud!

I just wanted to brag on Lacy and how proud I am of her! She has worked her butt off these past 9 months and has become quiet the "Hott Mama!!!" Lace, I am so proud of you working so hard and meeting your goals. I am also so proud of you for sticking to it and running the marathon! 

These pictures were taken on Darla's back porch...one last May when we were praying Kiley out and then the other one last week with Kiley there in our arms!

May 2007 - 10 months pregnant!

March 2008 - Skinny Butt! 


Tara said...

Lacy does look great! Way to go! It isnt easy, take it from someone who knows.

Meredith said...

Lacy looks so skinny! I bet she loves you putting that pic up! haha!!